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“We are as the flute, and the music in us is from thee; we are as the mountain and the echo in us is from thee.…” (Gialâl ad-Dîn Rûmî)

Drawing from the traditions of Middle-Eastern, Arab-Andalusian and Balcanic music, this workshop aims at the free expression of every single participant and also at collective creation. The performance is not considered as a mere re-production of something but as a creative moment, which is achieved through both the reading of the music sheet and improvisation.

This exploration of vocality is open to those professional musicians and amateurs who are willing to overcome the concept of “bel canto” or “beautiful voice” and to perceive the body as a sound box that is swept by air. You don’t learn to sing, you let go of tensions, psycho-physical inhibitions, false intellectual beliefs and habits, in order to create space for the breath to resonate and to be turned into singing (that is, retrieving one’s own natural sound).

From the complex plots of African polyphony to modern looping techniques, the voice has participated in the creative rhythm of the Universe. During the workshop, the participants create and intertwine melodic and rhythmic elements as in a living organism in expansion. Every single sound, every nuance and every resonance is welcome in this process of physical and cybernetic creation and each becomes part of a more general growth.

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